Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Her name is Tank

So some time ago, Tank the Puppy Zippy Friend was created as a birthday present. Tank was delivered, opened and enjoyed... but never blogged about. Until today!!! Introducing (to the rest of the internets) TANK!

Lovely Tank is a lady, just like real life Tank.

Inside she's hiding her favorite things...a yoga "Ohm", a nurse's cap, some delicious tea, an angel, a lemon, some dog bones, and a heart...
...with a special spot to hold some very special sea glass!

-Zippy out

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Odd Luminary!

Well, well, well... hello internet! Long time no see! The Zippy Friends have been going to school and getting engaged and all sorts of things while we've not been posting. Including getting ourselves caught by the Odd Luminary and his faithful owl Bubo. Check it out here.

Anyway, keep your organs intact and we'll see you soon rather than later... we hope ;)

-Zippy out

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cranford Street Fair, here we come!!!

You better watch your guts if you plan on visiting the Cranford Street Fair tomorrow (downtown Cranford, NJ) because Zippy Friends are going to be on the loose looking for the cutest and cuddliest guts to add to their collections! Or maybe if you're quick, you can stop by the Zippy Friends booth and snatch up a Zippy Friend to add to your collection. Anyway, hope to see all the Zippy fans at the fair tomorrow. If you can't make it, just wish us luck, it's our first craft fair!

-Zippy out

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rocker Kitty Zippy has left the building

First off, happy birthday wishes to Phil, for whom this little rocker Kitty Zippy was created! (But don't tell him, his birthday's not until tomorrow!) Just like Phil, this Kitty Zippy loves playing the guitar and listening to vinyl.

But he is still a Kitty after all, so besides his guitar and vinyl record guts; he also has fish, a toy mouse, a hairball, and a heart (for him and his girlfriend, awwww!).

Happy Birthday Phil! Enjoy your new Zippy band member!

-Zippy out

Monday, April 4, 2011

Zippy gets Artsy!

Say hello to Duke! Duke is a Zippy Puppy designed for a friend at Kean University. Duke loves children and visiting art galleries.

Here is Duke enjoying a children's chair at a Kean gallery, his two favorite things!

Duke also loves all of his anatomically correct organs. So much that he takes them out to play with.

-Zippy out

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Happy (belated) Hanukkah!

Zippy Friends hopes that everyone had a great Hanukkah this year! We know that our friend Shanna did after she got this custom Hanukkah themed Zippy Friend commissioned by her fiance.

Shanna's Zippy loves the Festival of Lights!

She even has her own little smiley yarmulka.

Inside she's got latkes and apple sauce, chocolate coins, a dreidel, menorah and candles and her personalized heart. Too cute!

-Zippy out